Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've Been Tagged

I was tagged by Tanya , my blogging buddy to participate in 7 things you might not know about me. Head over to her blog MayandOdessa.blogspot.com to see her and 2 precious girls!

I am known to cram things in drawers...out of sight, out of mind right!

I have known Ben since High School...We even almost kissed once when I was in 10th grade. How funny huh!?

I wanted to be a L&D nurse since I was 8 yrs. old. But, school sucks! So, instead I am going to become a Doula. I love the miracle of life especially the birthing!

All my boys have short first names and long middle names, except Andrew his is backwards since I didn't name him! Andrew Ray, Luke Benjamin, Jack Robinson, and Bowen William.

My favorite musician of all time is Prince. He is soooo awesome.

When I was invited to Ben's house for a barbecue by Samarah, I never left his house! It was instant love. Sounds tacky but, he was such a gentlemen, our first kiss was on his couch 5 days later!!

After I had Luke I never saw myself having girls....I must be psychic!

O.K. now link to my blog

Share 7 things

Tag 7 people

Tell them they have been tagged.

Here's my seven:

Jen at JenandLouplustwo

Heather at itstwinsanity

Carmen at thecradlewillrock

Alison at thewoodallfamily

Caren at theadventuresofshortstackandlittlemisssunshine

Kelly at kellyscorner

Sam over at spicypeachpatch

Have fun!!


Tanya said...

Hey Erin, nice list, so sweet you know your husband since high school! You were asking how to make your links active, when you are writting up your posts, click on link button on top, next to colors. It will ask you to put a link in the window and than it will post the link in your post. or you can use this code Erin , put it in your post while in the Edit HTML mode, in the above code your name will be active in the post. So, if you replace the link to your blog with the link you want people to go to and replace your name with the word you want to be active, you will get that word to be "clickable". Hope this is not too confusing, if you were using Windows Live Writer to make your posts, there it is made really easy to do. You can download it for free just Google it.

Tanya said...

OOPS, the code posted as an active word, sorry. I'll think of a way to get the code to you.