Thursday, September 10, 2009

Andrew is 12

I totally ran out of time yesturday to blog about Andrew turning 12 on Sept. 9, 2009! I can't believe that this was the 10th Birthday I celebrated with him...seems like yesturday that we were having his 3rd Birthday! I remember when we first met...he was so little! He was 2 1/2 when Ben and I started dating...Our first date was the 3 of us! I have a special bond with Andrew and I thank God for that. It has not been the easiest thing for me to raise a step~child but I wouldn't have it any other way. He is the sweetest, most compassionate child I have ever met and I can only pray that my other boys turn out half as good as he has! Happy Birthday to Andrew!

1 comment:

Jen Daniel said...

You are an amazing woman! What a great mom to love him like he's your own! Love you!