Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall Ball Ya'll

Jack on second base
Goooo Jack

The boys started fall ball a few weeks ago, but due to lots of rain we have only had a few games...They are on the same team but different brackets..Jack is in T~ball and Luke is in Pee~Wee. Ben assistant coaches both teams..Usually I am the team mom but Ben told me I couldn't do it this season! He says he ends up doing half of the work..WHATEVER Ben! I know we will enjoy this fall season just like we do all the rest. Happy Fall Ya'll

Luke pitching

Gooo Luke

1 comment:

Jean Stockdale said...

I remember those days.

Sweet MOM I would like to invite you to join us for an online Bible study for MOMMAS on the book of Ephesians. We are using my Bible study workbook called “High Stepping in Heavenly Places.” The 10-week study began Sept.24. so it’s not too late to join in. A workbook is available (but not required) with homework. You will also be able to watch a 45-minute weekly video or download a podcast of the message (at no charge), and then share in an online discussion with other moms. Interested. My studies are non-denominational and perfect for all MOMS with toddlers, tweens, teens, or turning 'em loose. I hope you will consider joining in. I would count it a privilege to encourage and inspire you with the Word of God in the fine art of Christian mothering. Check it out at http://highsteppinginheavenlyplaces.wordpress.com. Blessings. jean
